Meet Daniel Troyak, the founder of Social Buddy and find out why he cares so much about people and the community.
What emotional or spiritual
experiences led you to start Social Buddy?
Well, I work with emotions every day in my personal life and in my counselling practice. Emotions are a curious thing and what tends to happen is we react or overreact to negative ones. Knowing that the idea of Social Buddy as a concept is nothing but positive vibes and good feelings.
As a practising Buddhist, I felt Social Buddy was the perfect way of planting seeds of loving-kindness. In Buddhism we make a personal commitment to help others so creating Social Buddy from the ground up with the only goal being helping others, I am sure it will benefit people in that way.
What are the Four Pillars and why?
The Four Pillars is the standard we've set for ourselves at providing the most authentic and open connections with our clients and to one another.
1. Responsibility 2. Interconnectedness 3. Selflessness 4. Empathy
Our volunteers are encouraged and supported to incorporate the Four Pillars into every social connection they have. We could say they are our set of values that we hold valuable both personally and professionally.
Tell me what makes you happy. Truly happy.
Now that it is a very easy question. What truly makes me happy is helping others. A single day doesn’t go by where I don’t think about benefiting others. There’s something so comforting about going to sleep at the end of the night with your heart full and mind empty of personal problems and distractions. At night when I think of benefiting others I sleep well.
Where do you see Social Buddy in years to come?
With the right motivation and support, I hope Social Buddy will be helping as many people in the community as possible. Isolation and loneliness can easily be solved with open-hearted and caring connections. Social Buddy is here to provide any level of care that’s needed including being a beautiful and caring friend.
Learn more about Dan's qualifications and work history on Linkedin.